La Forma delle Idee, N° 13

La Forma delle Idee, N° 13

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."



With 56 years of experience in the field, we can now consider our business to be counted among the historic Italian medium-sized enterprises; those for which the generational change was a natural, albeit delicate, transition, addressed by treasuring the experience acquired at every moment and implemented by adding the innovation of the present.
Over the years we have seen the passage of time, the changing market demands, the renewal of technologies, the growth of skills and responsibilities.

A bit like a chameleon, we have acquired the flexibility of transformation when necessary, thus managing to go through and then ride through difficult periods, not least the dramatic year 2020 which will remain engraved in the history of humanity.

A bit like a butterfly, we were reborn after being caterpillars at the onset and chrysalises, to complete our metamorphosis, in transition, in quiescence.

A bit like a tree, sprouted from a seed placed by the wind in the earth, we planted our roots 56 years ago; year after year our trunk has strengthened, raised and its bearing branches have been born, then the luxuriant branches, then the green leaves, the flowers have therefore blossomed and finally the fruits have also ripened.
In this long life we have been trying to use our skills to the best, applying multiple innovative technologies for the serial or ad hoc production of diversified products, often complex and therefore demanding and challenging. This is our strength and our first core from the very beginning.

We have lived in several places to expand the work spaces and welcome new machinery and new staff; we have allocated energy to increase and make the work processes more and more technological; we believed in resources, first of all people, focusing attention on improving training, climate and company safety.

Technological progress is the tool that has allowed us to extend the fields of application of our skills, the "Robotic Arm" that has enhanced our capabilities, the precision to the tenth of a millimeter and the incredible speed that have made a surprisingly feasible production in no time. This issue of our Magazine therefore wants to start from here.

With you, dear readers, we will walk into ‘Society 5.0’, in which companies will play a key role because the future of our Society depends on the ability to propose solutions that are increasingly oriented towards Quality, Originality, the Wellbeing of all and the protection of the Environment: towards a radiant ‘Blue Economy’.


Eleonora Terenzi

Green Cities

Green Cities

‘Skylight, New Lights on The Cities’ is a series of furnishing accessories that have as their subject the fascinating skylines of the main Italian and non-Italian metropolises, in the light of the street lamps, an urban element par excellence that is always present in every city agglomeration. Milan and Paris different, almost opposite in symbolism and meanings during the past century, are now united by the sense of an increasingly European identity (by E. Terenzi and L. L. Borrelli).


Seeds For The Future

Seeds For The Future

For the second time, with great pleasure, our company TERENZI SRL - TGROUP collaborated in the creation of part of the numerous LED Tulips' of the set -up for Dubai Expo 2021. The first partnership, we recall, had been launched for Expo 2015 in Milan, in which the “Azerbaijan Pavillon” shone with its own light (by Eleonora Terenzi).


Companies & Human Resources: The Meger of Two Words

Companies & Human Resources: The Meger of Two Words

Our team, aboard the PSICHE & SOMA SRL spaceship, came across the planet TERENZI SRL and its satellite PLANIUM SRL (astronomical nomenclature: TGROUP). It was the solar year 2018... Shared goal: the Moon.” (by Monica Crivelli).


Artistic and literary property reserved. Reproduction, even partial, of texts published without the written authorization of Terenzi S.r.l.
Registration of the Court of Lodi n. 9892/2018 of 12/09/2018.


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