The Merger of Two World

Corporate Projects

03 marzo 2022 di Monica Crivelli
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We are a close-knit and integrated Team of Psychologists, Psychotherapists and Neuropsychologists of CENTRO PSICHE & SOMA SRL that have been experimenting for over twenty years, both in the clinical and rehabilitation field, and in the workplace, organizations, company management, individual well-being and group.

Within the projects defined by the 'systemic-transversal' group (ambitious and complex, which involve the implementation of the functionality/productivity of a planetary system, but also the structural design of the same), a continuous cooperation was born between our group, TERENZI SRL - TGROUP, and PSICHE & SOMA SRL, which we have presented above through the words of Monica Crivelli, project manager.

The initiative began in 2018, transforming itself into a synergistic collaboration with multiple ambitious goals, never contemplated before, concerning a real 'fusion of worlds'.

Improving the organizational structure of companies is one of the issues most studied by the current Economics and Business Management, as well as by the Psychology of Organizations.

The rapid and substantial changes in the external environment, caused by phenomena such as market globalization and the continuous development of new technologies, have led to a transformation of the variables that affect the competitiveness of companies.

Which ones?

In the process of creating corporate value, an essential role must be attributed to the management of less visible resources: patents, trademarks, licenses, soft resources such as professional and managerial skills, customer satisfaction, the creation of a solid network of collaborations, procedures adopted and everything related to the wealth of knowledge available to the company.

The parameters on which to focus are not only the levels of knowledge achieved and the ability to promptly share and disseminate information, but above all concern the invisible investment in the subjects who acquire, process and use them: people.

Corporate Projects

We broaden the focus: in the international corporate landscape there is more and more talk of 'Team Building' projects. But what is meant? They are projects with specific methodologies created and developed to work on groups and in particular on the work team. Targeted activities are proposed that aim to improve the ability to work as a team and consequently optimize the results achieved. In the vision of PSICHE & SOMA, the 'Team Building' is conceived as a continuous improvement project that is based on an analysis of the needs of the applicant company, so as to propose ad hoc projects. This activity began in TERENZI SRL - TGROUP: working groups of common or transversal areas have learned to know each other, discuss, see professional issues and work assignments from different angles and perspectives that up to that moment they did not know.

Human Resources: an Invisible Investment

In recent years, the idea of the company as a "distributed entity and intelligence" has been spreading: learning in order to expand the wealth of knowledge (personal and shared) and, at the same time, travel towards a sustainable competitive advantage in the long term. The development of communication technologies now amplifies the opportunity to enhance the individual knowledge acquired and transform it into a collective resource that can be spent in everyday life by the whole organization.

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