TMag, designed to spread the skills that characterize TGROUP - TERENZI SRL and its two brands PLANIUM and CAOSCREO, turns 11!
Just as we shape thousands of products, 11 years ago we started, in a continuous renewal, this long story that entertains, intrigues and reveals the contents of our Being and the results of our Doing.
Our magazine is a written memory of what we create, the narrative tool of an extremely varied and flexible mechatronic production reality, an expression of the passion that we have dedicated, for almost 60 years now, to the realization of ideas.
The heart of TMag, since its first edition, has been defined with special ingredients.
As a matter of fact, thanks to a deliberate original editorial line that is outside the box compared to traditional house organs, we illustrated and go on sharing what characterizes us: articles that contain the most interesting notes, the backstage that are the most stimulating part of the processes, the inspirations, the "path" that leads from ideas to the final realized form.
The involvement of our clients, supply partners, designers and collaborating professionals, company staff and of course all our effervescent and hard-working editorial team - who take care of the content details with precision - has been equally fundamental.
I can therefore conclude in no other way than by wishing a good read to those who already know us or want to know us!
Eleonora Terenzi



Nella collezione Thetis il protagonista è l'Ottone: già luminoso e cangiante di per sé, questo materiale "sprigiona" una grande potenzialità di colori, dalle tonalità più luminosa del dorato a quelle più opache del giallo pastello, paglierino, zafferano e altri; il giallo è chiaramente preponderante nelle opere, e in alcune lastre sconfina nei toni più scuri dell'ocra e del fulvo; l'azzurro, poi, è il secondo colore del quale avvertiamo maggiormente la presenza, tipico dell'ottone ossidato: tonalità che vanno dal fiordaliso al celeste, dal ciano al cobalto, dal turchese al verde acqua. [...di Luigi Luca Borrelli]


With Kettnaker, Planium Becomes Furniture

With Kettnaker, Planium Becomes Furniture

Metal for design has been the true and profound nature of our brand for over a decade now. PLANIUM Metals by TERENZI SRL are selected for their particularities and because they can always fit elegantly into a composition. From the rich palette of materials and colors, PLANIUM provides the German partner with a wonderful and surprising finish: Calamine.[ Valentina Dago]


Planium for Caimi: the design of innovation

Planium for Caimi: the design of innovation

PLANIUM surfaces cover various areas in the offices of Caimi Brevetti Spa. The company, founded in Brianza in 1949, already tells on its web page how close it is to the needs of its clients through intuition and creativity. For 75 years it has been creating ideas for today and tomorrow. With PLANIUM by TERENZI SRL, it therefore shares the drive towards the future in projects and ideas.[ Valentina Dago]




An exhibition that tells the story of discography in all its fascinating anecdotes, from a musical and artistic point of view, and focuses on GREENYL with all its potential, not only sound but especially visual and optical and therefore ecological, showing some of the most significant and heterogeneous LPs in terms of sound and aesthetics, but also cover graphics. An event that fully embraces the pop culture of the twentieth century and beyond. [...di Luigi Luca Borrelli]


Terenzi lavora la plastica

Terenzi lavora la plastica

The first stage for which we can speak of "plastic" dates back to the two-year period 1861-62: the British Parkes obtained a semi-synthetic material from cellulose nitrate; this took the name of parkesine in honor of its inventor, but would later also be called Xylonite. [... by Luigi Luca Borrelli]


Iinnovative Robotic Technology

Iinnovative Robotic Technology

Our company and ALTO Robotics met in 2023 and started what is now a major technological project close to completion, awarded with the Red Dot Design Award 2024 in the Design Concept category. The prestigious award marks the best start for Node, highlighting a design-oriented approach that supports companies in their digital transformation, while promoting a positive relationship between humans and robotic agents. [ Eleonora Terenzi]


Fifth Industrial Revolution, A Human-Centric Metric

Fifth Industrial Revolution, A Human-Centric Metric

[...]The Fourth Industrial Revolution was based on the concept of digitalization and referred to key terms such as automation, artificial intelligence (AI), connected devices, data analytics, cyber-physical systems and digital transformation. The Industry 5.0 paradigm shifts the focus to a broader thinking, which goes beyond industrial technologies and production processes, to reach a Human-centered approach with a specific focus on resilience and sustainability. [...] by Eleonora Terenzi


Artistic and literary property reserved. Reproduction, even partial, of texts published without the written authorization of Terenzi S.r.l.


  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 15
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 15

  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 14
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 14

  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 13
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 13

  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 12
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 12

  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 11
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 11

    La Forma delle Idee

  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 10
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 10


  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 9
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag N° 9

    Always a step forward

  • La Forma delle Idee, TMag Special Edition
    La Forma delle Idee, TMag Special Edition

    A 50 Year-Long Jorney