The Orchestra Metaphor

'The Whole Is Different From The Sum of its Parts'

10 marzo 2022 di Monica Crivelli
1231      32

In the processes that regulate the final objective of PSICHE & SOMA in the work carried out in TERENZI SRL - TGROUP, through group work in the company, among the various metaphors coined, that of the orchestra of Peter Drucker stands out, one of the major exponents of management. Pursuing and promoting well-being in the company is an undertaking that can be superimposed on that of an "orchestra conductor": apparently a work of pure coordination, but, as we all know, appearances can be deceiving. The first 'conductor' is the head of the company, the one who from the top can decide to promote the concert; as we say in the last article, the "Team Building" was an essential path of the work. And it is precisely the importance of teamwork and even more of having a perception of this relevance that constitutes a decisive focus.

The Orchestra Metaphor

In the succession of various experiences, with different working realities, we have developed the idea that a company organization is comparable, in addition to a planet, to a musical orchestra: a company is not a set of machinery, offices, shelves or warehouses. First of all, the company is a group of people: the musicians of the concert.

Unity Is Strength

A company, like any system, is made up of different elements in relation to each other, which share a common purpose achievable through coordinated collective actions. This means that each part is fundamental to the functioning of the whole. According to Gestalt Psychology “The whole is different from the sum of its parts”. The totality, in fact, possesses qualities that would not be found in the single parts taken in isolation from each other.

“If you want to go fast, walk alone. If you want to go far, walk together "

In order to "go far" and achieve goals that do not die out in the short term, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the concept of "unity is strength", precisely of those groups whose members do not constitute the simple sum of the parts, but make up a real team, structured and powerful.

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